In cigar culture, some key features drastically affect the cigar experience. The most important ones can be sorted as flavor, strength, and body. Even though these terms are considered the same or similar, they actually refer to different meanings. Especially, cigar strength and body are the confusable qualifications for a new cigar-smoker.
In this content, we are going to explain the details of each concept to help you choose the best cigar product you can enjoy.
Most of cigar-smoking people are wondering or trying to understand what cigar strength literally means. And it is not something that can be mocked. Because smoking a cigar is not like smoking a regular cigarette. It is much deeper and has some procedures.
The strength of a cigar essentially corresponds to the nicotine delivery of a specific cigar. In other words, strength is a feeling that can our guts can sense. It does not have a direct correlation with the flavor but simply the nicotine content.
When it comes to the division of strength, there are three main categories such as mild, medium, and full (bold). There are some other degrees of strength like light to medium or medium to full as well. A mild cigar is a cigar type that is quite light and appropriate for starter-level smokers. Besides, the mild cigar might be enjoyed in the early times of the day with a companionship of a soft beverage.
A medium cigar has an intense nicotine content compared to a light cigar. In addition, medium cigars can be preferred by professionals but the light cigar type should be the first choice of a novice cigar-smoker. Otherwise, the cigar experience can turn into misery.
A full or bold cigar will not be a big deal for cigar aficionados. However, even if you are one of the cigar experts, you can make prefer among the best mild cigar options. There is no obligation for smokers in terms of strength selection. These are only suggestions to help you understand cigar strength and its effects on the smoking experience.
The body of a cigar is mainly associated with the depth of a cigar’s flavor and aroma. Namely, it is the quantity that our receptors can receive. This term could also be thought of as feeling the richness, intensity, or deepness. While drinking a glass of wine, we can talk about the same features. The body of a cigar is also divided into three parts: Light, medium, and full.
A full-bodied cigar refers to the richness and flavor that we can sense. However, it does not have to be bold in terms of strength. A very mild cigar can have the characteristics of full-bodied at the same time. Also, the best medium cigar that you see as your favorite taste may be light-bodied not make you satisfied while smoking. To sum up, they are quite different things as a concept.
We tried to answer your questions about the strength and body of a cigar thoroughly. And now it’s high time to pick up the most suitable cigar flavor for your palatal delight! Order now, get your premium cigars with the advantage of fast shipping!
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